Wednesday 15 April 2020

Lockdown diary 2 : Gazing outside my Window

As I gaze outside my window, I feel blessed to have my table right next to a window that brings to me beautiful trees growing in the abundance of birds, insects and squirrels. While I feel a deep sense of gratitude, my thoughts wander around the Facebook and whatsapp posts I have just read. I watch a video where mates from the society where I have a flat clap together from their balconies - shouting out 'Go Carona Go'. Everybody had got together yesterday for a rehearsal for our Janta Curfew - Thaali bajao plan announced by our Prime Minister. I feel happy seeing their enthusiasm and feel their positive intention. I sincerely wish their intentions bear fruit and they realize that apart from this positive energy they also need to display positive actions of kindness and love toward everyone, especially the most vulnerable people - including senior citizens, children and people who ensure that we live a smooth life - our very own house helpers, building maintenance staff, security guards, food delivery people etc.My attention shifts to an update on my FB wall. The update talks about how protesters are yet holding the grounds at Shaheen Baug. My heart goes out to these brave women who believe in their fight toward keeping up the sovereignty and secularism in our country. They have been accused, trolled, blamed, considered insane and yet have continued their protests. I feel hurt by comments passed by fellow Facebookers. One says, 'disgusting', another wishes that they die of the virus, another blames them for creating higher risk situations for the masses. Reading these comments make me wish that these people passing such comments learn some empathy, kindness and love toward these women and at the same time, I wonder - could the protests be taken ahead in other ways - we need these women to be alive and strong. Just as everyone has been given work from home and school from home directives - can we use the online media to continue the protests?A video showing a man cruelly beating up a dog with a rod pops up and I feel angry and helpless. I wonder what made this person take such a video and post it on Facebook? Wouldn't it have been better if this person felt it to be his / her duty to report this matter to the initiatives that looks into animal cruelty such as PETA? Wouldn't it have been better to stop this cruelty by raising an alarm and calling the neighbourhood to help? Now here we are - with a video with no immediate source of knowing where it was shot.At this moment, I realize I need to divert my attention to something more positive or else I would ruin my entire day. I proceeded to the kitchen thinking of my son's desire to have fruit salad and I get busy making the salad. While making the salad, I feel this need to express myself and share my feelings. Originally posted on Facebook on March 22, 2020


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