Tuesday 21 April 2020

Lockdown diary 22 : Making sense of words...

A post on generosity triggered many thoughts in me. For me I experience generosity when I share something I have without any expectations of getting something in return. In that sense, generosity for me is completely unconditional. It is devoid of any ulterior motive. It is something where the giver gives willingly. The post also differentiated between generosity and transactions and stated that one should not confuse generosity with transactions. Transactions - meaning when you share something you possess expecting something in return - you could either barter your goods (both tangible or intangible) or sell them for money.
The next question that cut across my mind - is generosity and helpfulness the same? As usual I resorted to a google search to gain more clarity. One site stated that Helpfulness requires someone to ask for help. Generosity is help without being asked. Helpfulness involves someone being in a more powerful position and being asked to help the person with less. I realized that I had been using the terms interchangeably - as synonyms. I had never seen helpfulness as a symbol of power.
My thoughts moved toward something a 7 year old boy had shared about the difference between kindness and caring. I don’t remember his exact words. What I understood from his words was - Kindness is more about being good to someone without any expectations. It is being spiritual. Whereas when we are caring toward someone - we put ourselves in a position of superiority. I have something that you don’t and I am giving it to you. I saw a parallel between kindness and caring and generosity and helpfulness and learnt that they are definitely not synonyms.
Am I aware of my experiences with these concepts? Have I truly understood what these concepts mean to me and how they become me? Do I ever ask myself - when I share something with someone - am I being generous or helpful? Am I doing it out of kindness or is it my way of caring?
The other two terms that intrigue me are ‘hope and expectations’. Hope for me is something I wish for. Something I eagerly want. However expectation is something I actually believe will happen. Looking at the way things are shaping all I can do is hope - hope that the COVID 19 pandemic gives rise to a new social order. A social order where there is enhanced connection between people, where human relationships become stronger and not a mere tool for ‘transactions.’ A social order where people prefer generosity over helpfulness and kindness over caring.

Originally posted on Facebook on April 16, 2020

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