Sunday 26 April 2020

Lockdown diary 25 : Engrossed in the world of doodles!

What I like about doodling is that you let your thoughts and your state of mind guide you to your next pattern or line. This is way different from drawing or painting as while doing so you rely heavily on the stored images in your mind or end up copying existing art. Whereas in doodling you just let things flow, you usually are in a trance and your pen moves freely without inhibitions, without any worry.

Doodling is thus meditative as you get completely immersed in your creation, making patterns as they come into your mind. It is also addictive - as you usually don't want to let go of it until its complete and even after you finish you spend a lot of time just staring at your freshly created art.

I am usually in a hypnotized position when I doodle. I forget thirst, hunger and rarely notice anything else around me - no sounds, no strange lights or powerful smells or even touch can sway me away from my work. I stop only when I feel the need to stop.

I do not know how I get an idea of what to doodle. When the urge to doodle sets in, I just look for some paper and a pen...if I don't find a pen I work with a pencil. At times I use a compass to draw circle guidelines and at times I just let the my pen have a freehand.

Last night I started this free flowing doodle. I stopped after working for about 30 minutes. I felt happy and satisfied and ready to sleep. There was no demand to hurry it up. I knew that I would pick up from where I left it last night, when I feel ready to work on it...when the need to doodle comes alive in me again...

Do take a look at all my doodles here.


  1. I have a doodle book, that I color now and then.
